Sep 142009

From Redmond…

Best Free Partition Manager for Windows 7 | Redmond Pie: “The built-in Disk Management tool in Windows 7 hasn’t changed much from the Vista days and is still missing some of the most important and basic features such as Disk Management in Windows 7the ability to re-partition an existing primary system partition without having to reinstall Windows. Maybe Microsoft thought that it was good enough and didn’t require any update or maybe they wanted to leave such features for the third party software’s to fill in. Whatever the case maybe, I was really baffled when I couldn’t do this basic task from the included Disk Management tool in Windows 7. Then I found out about Partition Wizard that worked like a charm on my Windows 7 x64 installation. It is free, fast and does the job extremely well. What else do you want from a free tool?”

 Posted by at 11:06 am
Sep 092009


Windows 7 data recovery from backup in a snap | Network Administrator | “Recently, I loaded Windows 7 RTM on my laptop. I ran into an unexpected issue with BootMgr while installing, which reinforced the need for proper backups. Like all good IT soldiers, I did a complete system backup using the Windows 7 Create an Image Backup feature. I performed the backup to an external USB2 hard drive. The backup image gets created in .VHD format.”

 Posted by at 2:33 pm