Aug 192009 article explaining DirectAccess in Windows 7…

Death of VPN: “The virtual private network (VPN) was an exciting remote networking innovation; it allows remote users to connect to a private local area network (LAN) across the Internet, instead of having to dial directly in to a remote access server. By creating an encrypted tunnel, the VPN provides a way to communicate securely through the public network. However, the traditional VPN has a few drawbacks: it can be slow and is not seamless for users, and some networks, such as those provided by hotels, block VPN traffic.

DirectAccess is a new feature in Windows Server 2008 R2 and the Windows 7 client, that serves the same purpose as a traditional virtual private network without the hassle factor that’s often involved in setting up and using a VPN connection. DirectAccess does away with the need for VPN protocols such as PPTP and L2TP. It uses IPsec/IPv6 to create a secure, direct connection between a remote computer and the company LAN. In this article, we get “up close and personal” with this exciting new networking feature: how it works, what you need to use it and how it can benefit your organization.”

 Posted by at 2:53 pm
Aug 192009


LABS GALLERY: Windows 7 Provides Plenty of Improvements: “Microsoft’s Windows 7 recently reached the release-to-manufacture milestone, the last step before the new operating system’s official Oct. 22 launch. Delivering a good amount of eye candy, a number of user enhancements, a few interesting security additions (but only for the customers at the high end) and a decent performance boost, Windows 7 is certainly capable. But is it a compelling upgrade? Check out eWEEK Labs’ walk through Windows 7.”

 Posted by at 12:39 pm
Aug 182009

From TechRepublic…

The end is near for Windows XP: what are you going to do? | Microsoft Windows | “After years of tweaking, patching, and otherwise cajoling the Microsoft Windows XP operating system, many administrators and users feel comfortable with their current systems. But now the writing is on the wall, and the dominance of Windows XP in the marketplace is slowly but surely being squeezed by Windows Vista, Linux, Mac OS X, and eventually Windows 7.”

 Posted by at 6:47 am
Jul 262009
A common task these days, and required if you downloaded your Windows 7 from Microsoft, is to burn the ISO file to a DVD.

Well, within Windows 7 this is available without purchasing software (Nero and Roxio are both good products I’ve purchased in the past). I find this to be of substantial value.

This WindowsTeamBlog article Burn ISO Images Natively in Windows 7 explains it nicely and has some helpful screen shots.

 Posted by at 3:46 pm