Jul 222015

This will come in handy.  By Rod Trent at WinSuperSite.com…

…However, for those that want to do image and video capture on-the-cheap, Microsoft includes a screen recording utility in Windows 10’s new Xbox app. As you can imagine, this is generally meant for recording Xbox games streamed to a Windows 10 PC, but what’s especially interesting is that the recording utility also works for regular apps.

Source: How To: Use Windows 10’s Screen Recording Utility | Windows 10 content from SuperSite for Windows

 Posted by at 8:03 am
Jun 222015

Addressing one of the shortcomings of the most recent version of Windows 10.
By Christian Cawley at MakeUseOf.com…

Windows 10 is coming, and with it a bunch of new features. But wherever you find new features, you’ll also find holes, where old favorites have been deprecated. With Windows 10, the Windows Media Center will no longer be supported. This means that if you have it installed, WMC will stop working when you upgrade to Windows 10. Not ideal, especially if Windows Media Center was your favored solution after cutting the cord.

Source: 5 Alternatives to Windows Media Center for Windows 10

 Posted by at 10:43 am
Nov 302014

As much as I like Windows 10, so far, I’m also pleased to see Microsoft acknowledging the need for differentiating between customers when it comes to rolling out updates and features.

By Peter Bright at ArsTechnica.

Windows 10’s updates and maintenance are following a different, better path to all prior Windows releases: one with more regular updates and quicker access to new features for those who want it, while still offering enterprises a slower pace of delivery. With the first update to the Windows 10 Technical Preview a month ago, Microsoft also enabled a two-speed update track for the million or so members of the Windows Insider program.

via Latest Windows 10 update shows how rapid releases work in practice | Ars Technica.

 Posted by at 10:13 am
Oct 122014

I’m a big fan of Microsoft and Windows.  Their products are usually solid and make a good enterprise computing solution.  Windows 8 is their first OS where I have agreed with critics that the UI is just too problematic.  Andrew Cunningham at ArsTechnica offers an accurate picture of Windows 10 and its relationship to Windows 8.  From ArsTechnica.com…

The desktop environment in Windows 8.1 is pretty good.

This was not the message that Microsoft conveyed at its Windows 10 launch event last week, a presentation that had Microsoft’s historically change-averse but financially important business customers in mind. Whether the company was looking forward to multiple desktops and Continuum or backward to the Start menu and the command prompt, Microsoft’s message was clear: we have finished undoing all that stuff you didn’t like.

via Windows 10 doesn’t fix the desktop—it fixes Windows 8’s reputation | Ars Technica.

 Posted by at 6:46 pm
Sep 192014

A very useful article and “how-to” by Saikat Basu at MakeUseOf.com…

Thankfully, when it comes to logic, the right tools can help simplify any process. Flowcharts are among those visual thinking tools that go grossly ignored for non-technical tasks. Maybe because flowcharting started purely as an engineering skill and didn’t go beyond the draft boards of industrial planners. With its leap towards computer algorithms it became more mainstream.

via How To Create Stunning Flowcharts With Microsoft Word.

 Posted by at 3:45 pm
Aug 162014

Windows 9 Update!  Very interesting report from Mary Jo Foley at ZDNet.com…

Microsoft is aiming to deliver a “technology preview” of its Windows “Threshold” operating system by late September or early October, according to multiple sources of mine who asked not to be named.

via Microsoft to deliver Windows ‘Threshold’ tech preview around late September | ZDNet.

 Posted by at 9:23 am
Jul 132014

Wow.  I learned a few tricks in this article by Ryan Dube at MakeUseOf.com…

Hidden features you say? Absolutely. They include keyboard shortcuts, secret tricks and other interesting features that most long-term Windows 7 users never realized existed, and a few features that amazingly were added as late as the last year or two – evidence by the fact that they were just recently added to the Windows 7 New Features download provided by Microsoft.

via 5 Windows 7 Features You Didn’t Know Existed.

 Posted by at 2:11 pm