Aug 312014

Anyone planning an enterprise deployment of iPads specifically, or tablets generally, is advised to check out the series of podcasts available.

From their web site:  Deploy 2014 is a series of shows we are currently building up to help you lead a major technology deployment in your school or organisation. The series is published in our regular podcast feed and this page gathers and organises each of the posts in the series, along with a summary of the content.

via Deploy 2014 | Out of School.

 Posted by at 10:05 am
Aug 162014

Windows 9 Update!  Very interesting report from Mary Jo Foley at…

Microsoft is aiming to deliver a “technology preview” of its Windows “Threshold” operating system by late September or early October, according to multiple sources of mine who asked not to be named.

via Microsoft to deliver Windows ‘Threshold’ tech preview around late September | ZDNet.

 Posted by at 9:23 am
Jul 162014

Here is a good reference for aspiring and professional programmers.  By Joel Lee at…

If you want to succeed as a programmer, you need to immerse yourself in the programming culture. This is more true if you’re still a pupil. The field of programming is so broad and there’s so much information to absorb that you’ll never come out on top if you participate from a distance. Fortunately, blogs are a readily accessible medium keep you in the loop.

via 7 Blogs You Should Really Read If You Are A Student Programmer.

 Posted by at 7:36 am
Jul 132014

Wow.  I learned a few tricks in this article by Ryan Dube at…

Hidden features you say? Absolutely. They include keyboard shortcuts, secret tricks and other interesting features that most long-term Windows 7 users never realized existed, and a few features that amazingly were added as late as the last year or two – evidence by the fact that they were just recently added to the Windows 7 New Features download provided by Microsoft.

via 5 Windows 7 Features You Didn’t Know Existed.

 Posted by at 2:11 pm
Jun 262014

What a great collection!  By Anup More at…

Often due to some restrictions by the web development company, most of the web developers are forced to use free open source platforms such as Ubuntu. For such developers, it becomes headache to work without the tools that are mandatory and used for developing a website. However, there are some similar tools available for Linux that can be used in the web development.

via Web Development Tools for Linux & How to Install Them |

 Posted by at 3:55 pm
Jun 262014

An impressive list of upcoming changes to Android, ChromeOS, Chromecast, Google Docs, and more.  By JR Raphael at…

The big G kicked off its annual Google I/O developers’ conference with a massive two-and-a-half-hour keynote this morning — and this one was positively jam-packed with huge consumer news. Last year’s I/O may have been relatively quiet, but El Goog more than made up for it with this year’s avalanche of announcements.

via Google I/O condensed: The 33 most important things to know | Computerworld Blogs.

 Posted by at 8:14 am
Jun 042014

Fascinating story at, by Ryan Daws…

We’ve spoke previously about Google’s ambitious project to provide internet access in hard-to-reach locations, called ‘Project Loon’. Clearly not content with this, the company is looking to spend an expected minimum of $1 Billion on satellites to provide Earth-wide Wi-Fi for the masses.

Its rollout will consist of 180 “small, high-capacity satellites” which will orbit the Earth at a low altitude and be led by field expert, Greg Wyler, from satellite start-up O3B networks. It is said his team – consisting of between 10 and 20 people – will report directly to Larry Page.

The initial plans are expected to cost between $1 billion to “more than $3 billion” dependent on the network’s final design. If successful, a later phase could double the amount of satellites placed into the atmosphere.

via Google to cover earth in Wi-Fi via $1 Billion+ worth of satellites – Telecoms Tech.

 Posted by at 11:56 am