Oct 082013

What a great collection of Windows 8 tips!  By Chris Hoffman at MakeUseOf.com…

On Windows 8, you can press Windows Key + X or right-click at the bottom-left corner of your screen to open a menu known as the “power user menu” or “quick access menu.” This menu contains quick access to system utilities like the Control Panel, Command Prompt, Task Manager, File Explorer, Device Manager, and more. Win+X Menu Editor allows you to edit the shortcuts that appear here, adding new shortcuts, removing existing ones, and even rearranging the list.

via 8 Ways To Improve Windows 8 With Win+X Menu Editor.

 Posted by at 8:42 am
Oct 072013

This is great news!  I’m looking forward to Apple’s next major update to OS X.  Good advice from Dan Frakes at Macworld.com…

Apple has released to developers the golden master of Mavericks (OS X 10.9)—the final non-public version, and most likely the build that will become the official 10.9.0. That means that the official public release of Mavericks isn’t far off. We’re still waiting on a specific date for that release—at WWDC earlier this year, Apple said only “this fall”—but for those aiming to upgrade as soon as the new OS drops, the golden master means that now is the time to start getting your Mac ready for Mavericks.

via Get your Mac ready for Mavericks (OS X 10.9) | Macworld.

 Posted by at 4:11 pm
Sep 302013

There’s a saying in mu business, “you get hired for your technical skills and fired for your soft skills.”  Good article by John McAndrew at Computerworld,com…

As a chief technology officer, you’re good at technology; the C-suite wouldn’t have hired you without that. But you can’t be all about technology. It’s even more important to understand the dynamics — and oftentimes the politics — of the C-suite. It’s your No. 1 client.

via CTOs, don’t neglect the C-suite – Computerworld.

 Posted by at 5:17 pm
Sep 182013

By Narasu Rebbapragada at TechHive.com

A bright orange line emerges from the horizon at the left side of the screen. Getting brighter, it arcs upward—and then suddenly turns ashen gray before falling back to the horizon. More lines follow the first. Thousands upon thousands of lines. The visual is at once beautiful and daunting.

via The art of numbers: Who knew Big Data could look so cool? | TechHive.

 Posted by at 8:49 am
Aug 312013

I’ve been looking into contemporary textbooks on operating systems and found this free, online text.  The authors now teach at Duke and are gracious to make their book free.  Kudos to the Arpaci-Dusseau team!

From their web page…

Welcome to Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (now version 0.6 — see BOOK NEWS for details), a free online (and available for purchase in printed form) operating systems book! The book is centered around three conceptual pieces that are fundamental to operating systems: virtualization, concurrency, and persistence. In understanding the conceptual, you will also learn the practical, including how an operating system does things like schedule the CPU, manage memory, and store files persistently. Lots of fun stuff!

via Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces.

 Posted by at 10:56 am
Aug 302013

By Chris Hoffman at MakeUseOf.com…

Windows is moving towards a more locked-down direction with Windows 8 and its Start screen and “Modern” app environment. There’s no denying this — you can’t even set a custom Start screen background without installing a third-party utility. Luckily, Windows hasn’t completely shed its legacy of customizability, yet. There are many different hacks you can perform with the Start screen, although most of them should have been included with Windows 8 itself.

via 10 Windows 8 Start Screen Hacks.

 Posted by at 1:58 pm
Aug 252013

By Ryan Faas, Computerworld.

When Microsoft shipped Windows 2000 and Active Directory, Apple didn’t really have a solution for identity management or for linking Macs to an enterprise network. The company was just beginning the transition from its classic Mac OS—the first version of which had shipped on the first Mac in 1984—to OS X. Although Apple did ship a public beta of OS X in second half of the year, the final release didn’t arrive until March 2001.

via Apple and the enterprise: A complicated relationship | Macworld.

 Posted by at 11:10 am
Aug 242013

By Paul Thurrott at WindowsITpro.com…

In a startling and unexpected announcement, Microsoft revealed today that CEO Steve Ballmer would retire sometime in the next 12 months. During the intervening time, the company will begin a search for his successor.

via Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to Retire in 2014 | Paul Thurrotts WinInfo content from Windows IT Pro.

 Posted by at 3:12 am