May 212013

To help out I’ve been asked to teach a COBOL programming class in the fall.  I have not committed to teaching the class yet but here is an interesting post by Scot Nielsen at…

What is the first thing which springs to mind when you think of COBOL? Did you know that 200 times more transactions are processed daily by COBOL business applications than there are Google and You Tube searches made? COBOL is not about to drop dead – it still dominates the business language world. Here are our top ten reasons for learning COBOL.

via Top 10 Reasons to Learn COBOL | Micro Focus Blog.

 Posted by at 11:34 am
Aug 232012

By Aaron Couch at…

Coding. A topic that is avoided by many. Why? Probably because it seems like an impossible and unreachable goal to attain. It is a difficult skill, but if you have the purpose to learn to code, there’s no better time than now. There are an abundance of free resources and tools, all of which are available online. Sure you could take some courses on the topic at a nearby community college, and you might still want to. However, if you’re on a budget, have limited time or just simply want an additional source of quality education, these websites can be a tremendous help.

via Learn To Code: 10 Free And Fantastic Online Resources To Hone Your Skills.

 Posted by at 6:00 am
May 142012

By Alex Olesker at…

There are many great use cases for Apache Hadoop, the open source framework for scalable, reliable, and distributed computing on commodity hardware built around Hadoop Distributed File System and MapReduce, such as delivering search engine results, sequencing genomes, and indexing entire libraries of text, but the Million Monkeys Project by Jesse Anderson may be the easiest to understand and the most fun.

via A Million Monkeys Demonstrate the Power of Hadoop –

 Posted by at 2:06 am
May 052012

By David Akka at…

HTML5 offers some real advantages in the consumer space and for tools such as social media and video. However, the reality is that it’s not mature enough as a tool for business applications. Issues such as security, synchronicity and the very fact that it’s an evolving standard make it an unreliable option for enterprises. Consideration of these pain points offers a reminder that, while the future may be an HTML5 one, right now it’s not the panacea for mobile development.

via Why HTML5 is not the choice for enterprise mobility | Opinion | .net magazine.

 Posted by at 7:53 pm
Jan 062012

By Joel Lee at…

Over the past decade, the Python programming language has exploded in popularity amongst programmers in all areas of coding. From web developers to video game designers to in-house tool creators, many people have fallen in love with the language. Why? Because it’s easy to learn, easy to use, and very powerful.

via The 5 Best Websites To Learn Python Programming.

 Posted by at 8:12 am