Jan 072012

By Paul Goodison at ReadWriteWeb.com…

If you are using a spreadsheet to track your data center equipment inventory, then take a moment and read this post. You might want to consider using something else that can actually track your assets. From where I sit, many IT managers grossly underestimate the efforts in this process.

via A Manifesto for Efficient IT Infrastructure Management.

 Posted by at 6:20 pm
Dec 232011

By Adrian Hannah at LinuxJournal.com…

Imagine this: you’re sitting in your local coffee shop sucking down your morning caffeine fix before heading into the office. You catch up on your work e-mail, you check Facebook and you upload that financial report to your company’s FTP server. Overall, it’s been a constructive morning. By the time you get to work, there’s a whirlwind of chaos throughout the office. That incredibly sensitive financial report you uploaded was somehow leaked to the public, and your boss is outraged by the crass and unprofessional e-mail you just sent him. Was there some hacker lurking in the shadows that broke into your company’s network and decided to lay the blame on you? More than likely not. This mischievous ne’er-do-well probably was sitting in the coffee shop you stopped at and seized the opportunity.

via Packet Sniffing Basics | Linux Journal.

 Posted by at 2:52 pm
Dec 222011

By Selena Frye at TechRepublic.com…

Here is the round-up of the most-viewed posts of 2011. Michael Kassner investigated some of the thorniest security problems, reported on the newest developments in security research, and raised the red flag on privacy issues. Chad Perrin covered one of the worst security debacles of the year: Sony’s Playstation Network breach.

via Top 10 IT Security posts of 2011 | TechRepublic.

 Posted by at 12:40 pm
Nov 302011

An interesting list of tools to support Macs in the enterprise environment.  Number 1 and 12 also support iOS devices.

By Ryan Faas at Infoworld.com…

The knock on managing Macs in business environments has long been Apple’s ambivalent attitude toward providing significant enterprise support. Apple does, of course, offer tools for deploying, configuring, and managing Macs. But to move Macs beyond a departmental setting, IT will often find it necessary to look to third parties for help.

via 12 valuable tools for managing business Macs | Applications – InfoWorld.

 Posted by at 7:22 pm
Nov 192011

This is an important issue for IT departments around the world.

By Jessica Stillman at Gigaom.com…

The consumerization of IT is a hot topic as employees increasingly bring their beloved gadgets from home to work. But just because it’s much discussed among techies doesn’t mean that most offices are ahead of the curve on this trend, at least according to new research from Unisys.

via Consumerization study: IT pros swamped, behind on mobile — Online Collaboration.

 Posted by at 8:11 am
Nov 182011

This is not good news for higher education.  It will put universities responsible for monitoring their user’s internet activities and add significant cost to every institution which will have to be passed on to the students.  SOPA is a a very pro-Hollywood act and I hope it is changed or defeated.

By Eva Galperin at Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The House Judiciary Committee will meet today for a hearing on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). What could have been an opportunity for the committee to hear from a variety of stakeholders has devolved into a parade of pro-SOPA partisans. Scheduled to testify are representatives from the Register of Copyrights, Pfizer Global Security, the Motion Picture Association of America, the AFL-CIO, and Mastercard Worldwide—many of which helped to draft this legislation in the first place, and didn’t let anyone else into the room. The only scheduled witness in opposition to the bill is Katherine Oyama, policy counsel on copyright and trademark law for Google.

via Who’s Missing From Today’s SOPA Hearing? A Short List | Electronic Frontier Foundation.

 Posted by at 6:38 am
Nov 122011

I’m surprised WinZip didn’t make the list.  It’s what I use and recommend but some of these in the article may be worth a try.

By Ryan Dube at MakeUseOf.com…

The 5 Best Ways To Easily & Quickly Encrypt Files Before Emailing Them [Windows]

via The 5 Best Ways To Easily & Quickly Encrypt Files Before Emailing Them [Windows].

 Posted by at 12:28 pm