The Year Ahead in IT, 2013
January 3, 2013 – 3:00am
Lev Gonick
via Predictions about higher ed technology in 2013 (essay) | Inside Higher Ed.
The Year Ahead in IT, 2013
January 3, 2013 – 3:00am
Lev Gonick
via Predictions about higher ed technology in 2013 (essay) | Inside Higher Ed.
“MOOC panic” is real. Or at least it seems so after visiting EDUCAUSE 2012.
By Moshe Y. Vardi at Communications of the ACM.
Will MOOCs Destroy Academia?
via Will MOOCs Destroy Academia? | November 2012 | Communications of the ACM.
By Stephen Lawson at…
Federal initiatives to make more spectrum available for mobile services are likely to take off running after President Barack Obama’s re-election on Tuesday, a member of a presidential technology commission said.
via Obama Tech Adviser Says Re-election Sets Stage for Progress on Spectrum
This is a trend I want to see continue. Great for the U.S. economy and IT pros in the country.
By Stephanie Overby at…
CIO — One thing is certain–it’s going to cost GM a lot more to insource the 10,000 jobs it previously outsourced or offshored. However, the benefits could have significant business value.
via GM Bets on Insourcing, Brings Back 10,000 IT Jobs
By Vinod Baya, Galen Gruman, and Bud Mathaisel at…
After years of nearly 100 percent focus on cost-cutting due to the recession, company boards are now pushing their organizations to find ways to grow the business. In fact, most CEOs are looking to gain both efficiencies and differentiation at the same time. In a recent survey of CEOs conducted by PwC, 80 percent of CEOs believe innovation will drive efficiencies and lead to competitive advantage. (See Figure 1.) For most of them, technology is one way of capturing both. Close to 70 percent of CEOs are investing in IT to reduce costs and become more efficient, while 54 percent are also funneling funds toward growth initiatives. This sentiment is not limited to any particular industry sector, such as high-tech. It applies to enterprises of all sizes in all industry sectors.
via The strategic CIO’s new role in innovation: Technology forecast: PwC.
Okay I admit I’ve been to the Apple store and would love to have the new iPad. You know, the one that is not called the iPad 3? Meanwhile, I continue to be amazed at what the iPad 2 does for me. This article, and some of the comments from readers, validates many of my thoughts about what the iPad is and is not. What it is for sure is interesting.
By Thorin Klosowski at Lifehacker.
The iPad gets a bad rap as a device designed specifically for consumption. After all, its main purpose is to keep you connected to the world. Despite that, the iPad has risen up as a creativity tool and serves as an integral part in many people’s toolkit. To get an idea of when these devices are being used, we talked with a cadre of creative types to find out not just how they’re using iPads to make things, but why.
By Michael Kan at…
IDG News Service (Beijing Bureau) — Intel is working with 10 undisclosed Chinese and global vendors to design Windows 8 tablets using the company’s chips, a senior company executive said Wednesday.
via Intel Working with 10 Vendors to Release Windows 8 Tablets By Year-End
An onrush of condemnation and criticism kept the SOPA and PIPA acts from passing earlier this year, but US lawmakers have already authored another authoritarian bill that could give them free reign to creep the Web in the name of cybersecurity.
via Even worse than SOPA: New CISPA cybersecurity bill will censor the Web — RT.