Nov 082011

Okay, a bit of self-indulging since Google Reader is one of my most oft-used web apps. You can subscribe to this blog using Google Reader by clicking here.  Heh heh.


Google Reader’s latest changes have sparked a lot of debate and discussion, and it got us wondering if you were planning on sticking with it through the design and sharing changes, or if you’re planning to jump ship to another RSS Newsreader. Last week we asked you which newsreader you used, even in light of the changes, and then we took a look at the top five based on your nominations. Now we’re back to highlight the winner.

via Most Popular RSS Newsreader: Google Reader.

 Posted by at 6:39 pm
Nov 012011

I agree with the direction this survey is suggesting and I think the prediction might be realized.  This comports with what I have read in the current Horizon Report.


A new survey of technology directors in U.S. school districts found that all of them are testing or deploying the iPad in schools, and they expect tablets to outnumber computers in the next five years.

via AppleInsider | Schools expect to have more iPads than computers in next 5 years.

 Posted by at 6:10 am
Oct 302011

By Michael Cooney at…

ORLANDO — If you had to pick 10 technology-related trends that will impact your enterprise infrastructure in the coming year, Gartner says you’d do well to start with virtualization and move to other issues such as social media influence, energy issues and flat networks to name a few.

via Layer 8: Gartner: 10 key IT trends for 2012.

 Posted by at 6:38 am
Oct 112010

By Katrina A. Meyer at…

Having been immersed lately in reading about disruptive technologies, I am in a quandary. Which — if any — technology in higher education is truly disruptive? How would we know? Is there a way to make any technology disruptive? And finally, how might disruptive technology affect higher education’s future?

via The Role of Disruptive Technology in the Future of Higher Education (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE.

 Posted by at 7:05 pm
Jun 112010

Top-Ten IT Issues, 2010 (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE: “Administered by the EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee, the electronic survey was conducted in December 2009.1 Survey participants — typically CIOs of EDUCAUSE member institutions — were asked to select the five most-important IT issues out of a selection of twenty-seven in each of four areas: (1) issues that are critical for strategic success; (2) issues that are expected to increase in significance; (3) issues that demand the greatest amount of the campus IT leader’s time; and (4) issues that require the largest expenditures of human and fiscal resources.”

 Posted by at 9:01 am
Nov 012008

By Michael Horn at…

Let’s revisit the topic of disruption in higher education, but from a different angle. In the past, I’ve written about community colleges and online universities targeting non-consumption, but there is a policy dimension to this as well.

via Another disruption in higher education: the teaching university | Clayton Christensen.

 Posted by at 8:09 pm