Strategic Planning
My first opportunity to participate in strategic planning was in the Navy while I was serving as the Total Quality Management (TQM) Coordinator for a large navy command, the Naval Air Facility in Washington, DC. My Commanding Officer was very receptive to my suggestion that we develop one and I couldn’t have asked for a better organizational leader to work with. We actually went off-site for 3 days, rare for a military organization, and returned with a consensus-based mission, vision, guiding principles, and a strategic plan with 5 strategic goals. We were later recognized by the Admiral as having the best strategic plan in the Naval Air Reserve Force. We found a good approach to strategic planning described by John Bryson. We used his model and recommendations from his first book and here is a list of his books available on
I later participated in strategic planning efforts with the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and Marshall University.
As of January, 2014 I am a member of the Concord University Executive Steering Committee for Strategic Planning. We have only just begun the process and I may be able to share some of that here.
Other References
- Strategic Planning Primer by Michael Wilkinson
- Simplified Strategic Planning Blog from the Center for Simplified Strategic Planning
- All About Strategic Planning
- Strategic Planning Blog
- Strategic Planning references from this Blog
- Georgia State University Strategic Plan 2011-2016
- IT Strategic Plan from University of Colorado at Boulder
- Framingham State University
- Reed College