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Blender Tutorials

The movies below are courtesy of Dr. Jim Rowan of Georgia Gwinnett College

  • General issues

    The online Blender 2.59 ManualClick Here!
    HOW TO: Set up the Mouse and fly around the modelClickHere
    HOW TO: Start Blender 2.5ClickHere
    HOW TO: Reset Blender to factory settingsClickHere
    HOW TO: Save a Blender project ClickHere
    HOW TO: Make a camera view windowClickHere
    HOW TO: Add and Delete ObjectsClickHere
    HOW TO: Add color to the objects(s)ClickHere
    HOW TO: Change the output file formatClickHere
    HOW TO: Render the scene as a jpeg and save that rendered image on the desktop ClickHere
    HOW TO: Place an image on a Blender objectClickHere
    HOW TO: Add an image as a texture to an object ClickHere
    HOW TO: Place a plane behind your objects so that you can see shadowsClickHere

    Translating, scaling and rotating objects

    HOW TO: Select, grab, move, scale and rotate objectsClickHere
    HOW TO: Use manipulator modes to select, grab, move, scale and rotate objectsClickHere

    Animating objects

    HOW TO: Animate the cameraClickHere
    HOW TO: Animate a lampClickHere
    HOW TO: Change the frame rate of an animationClickHere
    HOW TO: Save a rendered animation as a quicktime movieClickHere
    HOW TO: Manipulate the aspect ratio and render sizeClickHere
    HOW TO: Set keyframes to animate translation, scaling and rotationClickHere

    Modifying objects in Edit rather than Object mode

    HOW TO: Change from OBJECT to EDIT mode & modify the shape of objects(s)ClickHere
    HOW TO: Use edit mode and block grab to modify an object’s vertices individuallyClickHere

    Creating interesting shapes using Boolean operators

    HOW TO: Do a Boolean Intersection and a Boolean Union Operation on two objects(s)ClickHere
    HOW TO: Do both Boolean Difference Operations on two objects(s) ClickHere

    Using Parent/Child relationships between objects

    HOW TO: Use Parent/Child connections between objectsClickHere
    HOW TO: Childing a spotlight to a cube, rotating the cube, childing the cube to a sphere, translating the sphereClickHere


 Posted by at 10:59 am

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